Judge Kavanaugh, we still have some questions
I'll get straight to the point. Brett Kavanaugh is a threat to a woman's right to choose.
Kavanaugh is quoted saying "I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land..."
I am immensely proud of my Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
They held Kavanaugh's feet to the fire so the American people know exactly what's on the line — choice, executive power, the constitutionality of an independent counsel, and affirmative action.
Kavanaugh's non-answers and evasions were maddening. But these Senators did not back down. They did their homework. They asked the tough questions. And they are now doing everything in their power to prevent the right-wing's handpicked nominee from gaining a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
Thank you for keeping up the pressure,