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End the division, cruelty, and chaos

Democrats are uniting to build the strongest coalition possible to fight back against MAGA Republicans.

This Pride Month, we are standing in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ friends, family, and neighbors. We are fighting for everyone to have control over their own reproductive choices. And we are welcoming innovative solutions and bold action to take on the climate crisis.

But extremist Republicans in the House are sowing division, cruelty, and chaos. We must do everything we can to win a Democratic majority for the House on Election Night.

That means we need your help to finish this quarter strong. Chip in now to show your support to move Congress in a new and productive direction in November!

I will continue to work to build bridges across the aisle to bring real solutions to the biggest challenges we face – lowering costs, making housing and child care more affordable, and creating a community where everyone feels safe and is safe.

We are building a strong coalition, and I hope you will join us. With the end of the quarter almost here, your support is important. Pitch in $9, or whatever you can afford, to elect a new majority and move our progressive agenda forward!

Thank you for standing with me,


Posted on June 15, 2024.

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Meet Suzanne

Suzanne knows what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet. She worked her way through community college, university, and law school. She started her career at Legal Aid and worked as a consumer rights attorney. Throughout her career she’s been a leading advocate for public education, protecting the environment, and civil rights. She’s fighting for a better future for all Oregonians.

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