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I'm with Kamala

I sincerely thank President Joe Biden for his many years of exemplary service. As a public servant for more than 50 years, he dedicated his life to fighting for policies that have made our country and the world a better place. And today he's put country first, a selfless act of patriotism.

President Biden will be remembered as one of the nation's most effective and successful leaders, and I'm honored to have worked with him when he was Barack Obama's Vice President and during his very productive years as President of the United States. He ushered us through an exceptionally difficult time and has signed into law some of the most progressive legislation – ever.

We made the largest investment in clean energy by passing the Inflation Reduction Act. He helped lower prescription drug costs, alleviate student loan debt for millions of Americans, and bring manufacturing back to the United States. President Biden worked across the aisle to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, an enormous and overdue investment in America's future that is providing millions of good paying jobs while rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. And his statesmanship restored our standing in the world after four years of chaos from the previous occupant of the White House.

Now we must move forward and come together as a party and a country. There will be a process for Democrats to have their voices heard, and today I'm making my voice heard by endorsing Kamala Harris for President. We must remember what is at stake this November. We have the opportunity to meaningfully address climate change, continue to invest in infrastructure, protect abortion rights, build an economy that works for everyone, protect democracy, and more. When we communicate this message and our values to voters, we win.

Vice President Harris is the right candidate to bring that message to the American people. When Kamala speaks, she conveys the passion and energy she brings to public service. The daughter of immigrants, she knows the meaning and significance of the American dream. She's a principled fighter and a natural leader, and with her background as a prosecutor, she will hold Trump, the convicted felon, accountable and defeat him and J.D. Vance in November. I'm ready to help elect her as the next President of the United States.

Will you join me in making a donation to show her we have her back?

I hope you'll stand with me,


Posted on July 21, 2024.

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Meet Suzanne

Suzanne knows what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet. She worked her way through community college, university, and law school. She started her career at Legal Aid and worked as a consumer rights attorney. Throughout her career she’s been a leading advocate for public education, protecting the environment, and civil rights. She’s fighting for a better future for all Oregonians.

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